SPIN-FERT Consortium




The National Institute of Horticultural Research (Instytut Ogrodnictwa – Panstwowy Instytut Badawczy) in Skierniewice, Poland (INHORT), is a governmental R&D organization supervised by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.

The research programme of the Institute covers all areas related to horticulture, from basic studies to applied research, with emphasis on breeding, plant protection, agronomy, organic horticulture, storage and processing of both fruits and vegetables, food safety, horticultural engineering, economics and marketing. The Institute’s facilities consist of several laboratories with up-to-date instruments, greenhouses and screenhouses (50 chambers), and experimental fields (with total land area of about 200 ha).

INHORT is coordinating SPIN-FERT and is contributing to several tasks, including the development of innovative microbial formulation, trials with alternative growing substrates and development of innovative tools for assessing soil quality.



CREA – It is the major Italian research institution dedicated to the agricultural sector, and employ over 2000 people, half of whom are researchers and technologists. CREA is organized in 12 research centres, six devoted to specific supply chains and six to horizontal topics forming a network of structures through Italy. CREA also has experimental farms that allow to validate in the field the results of the research facilitating the dissemination and their translation into innovation. In SPIN-FERT project, the group of researchers from CREA belong to 5 Centres: AA, CI, IT, PB, VE. It has a broad expertise in economic and social dynamics related to the agri-food sector, soil science, environmental science, microbial ecology, soil biodiversity and on plant-soil interactions, particularly as affected by fertilizers. CREA-AA will lead the WP4 and will contribute to the technical improvement of the device for tracking and monitoring microbial bioinoculants in soil.

CREA-CI will monitor soil organic carbon concentrations and amounts taking in account the size fractions with different turnover rates in soil; these dynamics will be related to the effects of integrated soil management strategies applied in tunnel and open field trials (WP3). CREA-IT will support the analyses with a portable e-nose system for recognition of soil VOCs and implement the soil quality index (WP4); CREA-PB will estimate a monetization of the ecosystem services generated by the new farm soil management practices and will elaborate a cost-benefit analysis to support the development of a policy framework (WP6); CREA-VE will contribute to the on-field and early detection of microbial inoculants from biostimulants (WP4).

Tu Graz

Tu Graz

As a university in the heart of Europe, TU Graz is committed to academic freedom and fundamental European values ​​as well as to a culture of ethically based action. It is characterized by its internationally visible, forward-looking scientific fields of strength and maintains a balanced relationship between knowledge- and innovation-oriented research.

The Institute of Environmental Biotechnology, focuses on microbiomes and translation of results into new biotechnological concepts for the environment as well as for plant and human health. Its vision is to combine microbiome research and management to prevent biodiversity loss, outbreaks and the spread of multi-resistant pathogens.



The Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy (ATB) is a pioneer and leader in bioeconomy research. We lay the scientific groundwork to transform agricultural, food, industrial, and energy systems into a comprehensive bio-based circular economy. Our Data Science for Bioeconomy team at ATB furthers this mission by utilizing AI and explainable AI (XAI) methods to digitalize processes, enhance efficiency, and increase the transparency of AI-driven decisions.

Pursuing the same objectives within the SPIN FERT, we bundle our expertise in machine learning, deep learning, and XAI, to develop AI-based solutions that decode the intricate relationships within complex, multimodal data structures, such as hyperspectral images of crops, soil physicochemical properties, and genetic data. By applying XAI techniques to clarify model decisions, we provide actionable insights.



The CNR (www.cnr.it) is the largest Italian Research Center, with over 8000 employees who carry out research projects, promote innovation and competitiveness of the national industrial system, and provide technologies and solutions to emerging needs in the public and private sectors. The CNR includes 7 Departments with planning, coordination, and supervision tasks of more than 100 Institutes of research located throughout Italy and aggregated into Territorial Research Areas (AdR).

CNR-NANO is an interdisciplinary research centre dedicated to nanoscience and nanotechnology at the frontier of basic and applied research. The emphasis in research is on cutting-edge experimental techniques and modelling tools, novel concepts, and close collaboration with academia. Within SPIN-FERT, CNR-NANO will develop a new sensing platform based on acoustic sensors to monitor the presence of selected strains of Bacillus subtilis in soil matrices (task 4.1). The sensor chip and the control unit will constitute a compact, portable instrumentation, easily configurable as stand-alone equipment for measurements on the field.

CNR-ISB (Institute for Biological Systems) studies the chemical, physical and bio-molecular mechanisms that regulate the organisation and functions of biological systems. Expertise in NMR spectroscopy, separation science, microbiology, genetics and bioinformatics converge at the Institute. Within SPIN-FERT, CNR-ISB will develop a “Seed-Resp” tool for standard bioassay based on respirometry to evaluate the effects of biostimulants and coatings on seeds (task 4.4). CNR-ISB will also collaborate with OTH to train a microbial diversity robot (Task 4.2) and with IA-PAS to analyse soil carbon dynamics to support carbon farming practices (Task 5.2).



OTH is a technical university of applied sciences located in the east of Bavaria (Germany). In the department of mechanical Engineering a robot system has been developed in the past three years for carrying out microbial soil life assessments. One robot collects soil samples using RTK position. The samples are passed on to a transportable robotized soil analysis station. Here a soil suspension is made and placed between a sample plate and a cover slip to carry out an automated microscopy. Videos and images are investigated by like blob detection and semantic segmentation to get quantitative date about microbial live. This allows to monitor changes in biological soil quality due to the use of different substrates, biostimulants or tillage.

In the SPINFERT project, an automated neural network analysis of microscopy images will recognize and quantify bacteria, fungi, and nematodes. Using AI-supported semantic segmentation and blob detection, this system will be integrated into a transportable robot developed by OTH for automated soil sampling. The robot will collect, prepare, and photograph soil samples at 400x magnification, focusing on nematode identification. A GPS interface will enhance soil monitoring. Field validation in WP3 trials will provide biodiversity data for WP5.




NIAB (National Institute of Agriculture Botany) Group (www.niab.com), the UK largest agricultural research organisation, is at the centre of innovation in crop science in the UK and across the world. NIAB is unique in being an independent science-based research organisation with a very large farmer and industry-based membership who help to ensure that research outcomes are transferred into practice. NIAB East Malling is one of world leaders in innovation and research on horticultural crops and plants and their interactions with the environment, with an international reputation for research on perennial fruit crops. With a focus on the horticultural production-to-supply chain, particularly in soft (strawberry and raspberry) and top fruit (appear, pear, plum and cherry), NIAB EMR tackles the challenges associated with climate change, soil/substrate health, food security, food chain quality and resource use efficiency, to optimise economic and environmental sustainability in crops.

In this SPINFERT, NIAB will deliver the following key research tasks:

(i) Investigating microbial amendment for two vegetable crops grown in a popular woodchip-based compost (as a peat-alternative media)

(ii) Assisting ReCoir Ltd in developing plant growth substrate from spent coir in commercial strawberry and raspberry production

(iii) Evaluating the reconditioned spent coir substrate for strawberry and vegetable production.




Founded in 1818 after devastating famines, the University of Hohenheim (UHOH) excels in agricultural research and food sciences, consistently ranking as Germany’s top institution in these fields. Combining strengths in natural sciences, economics, social sciences, and communication sciences, UHOH develops solutions to global challenges and fosters sustainable consumption and production through its extensive international network.

In the SPIN-FERT project, UHOH researchers evaluate the acceptance, perception, and barriers of professionals and home gardeners regarding peat alternatives and integrated soil management strategies. This involves surveys and focus group discussions in Germany, Italy, Poland, and France, followed by a quantitative follow-up study to validate results and develop marketing and policy recommendations.



New technology drives change, innovation, and progress in society. The University of Twente is the only campus university in the Netherlands; divided over five faculties we provide more than fifty educational programmes by over 3.000 researchers and professionals for about 10.000 students. The University of Twente has a strong focus on personal development and talented researchers are given scope for carrying out groundbreaking research.

The TNW Faculty (Faculty of Science & Technology) of the University of Twente focuses on chemical technology, applied physics and biomedical technology. The faculty works together intensively with industrial partners and researchers in the Netherlands and abroad and conducts extensive research for external commissioning parties and funders. The research group “Sustainable Polymer Chemistry” (SPC), focuses on soft materials and macro-molecular materials which resulted in an international reputation. The SPC group has expertise in biodegradable and biobased polymers and has developed several encapsulation strategies for biopolymers. The UT and SPC offer ideal conditions for conducting outstanding research. The institute combines all the necessary specialized expertise – from the creative design of new materials, from their synthesis in the lab to their physical characterization as well as the theoretical understanding of polymer characteristics. With world-leading expertise in soft matter and polymers and state-of-the-art synthesis and characterization techniques, UT is ideal for developing novel biobased and biodegradable encapsulation strategies required for SPINFERT.



Institute of Agrophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences (IAPAS) is one of the most modern and well equipped research institutes in Poland, with the highest (A+) rank for research units. The Institute’s mission is to conduct research for the sustainable production of agricultural plant raw materials in order to ensure food security and mitigate adverse environmental and climate changes. IAPAS has been awarded the Human Resources Excellence in Research logo and recognizes the European Charter and Code.

IAPAS team involved in SPIN-FERT is mainly focused on soil and agricultural microbiology as well as on growth and plants adaptation to environmental conditions. We offer different facilities for plant growth parameters analyses and in field soil quality measurement. The research lab focused on microbial biodiversity & microbiome analyses in agroecosystems including mainly soil, biofertilizers and plants. It offers modern equipment including e.g. System BIOLOG, holotomograph, genetic analyzers, microplate reader and classical microbiology devices. Biolog System will be used for microbial functional biomarkers and profiling of carbon metabolic pathways in soil carbon dynamics to support carbon farming practices. The Illumina MiSeq sequencer with a wide range of sequencing applications will be used for analyses of soil microbiome within the project based on selected molecular markers for bacterial and fungal community evaluation. Holotomography microscopy will be used to assess microbial strain interactions to support new biostimulants development.




RiNova manages and implements research and technological development activities to promote the competitiveness of the agricultural and agri-food sector. We are a cooperative whose social base represents over 60% of the Gross Salable Vegetable Production of Emilia-Romagna. A network of high value stakeholders that allows the development of effective responses to the innovation needs of the various production chains.

This Work Package has the aim to validate the agronomic performance of integrated soil management strategies that foresee the application of compost specialties and reconditioned coir as alternative to peat in substrates (for nursery and crop productions), as well as the use of improved formulations of soil amendments/biostimulants (developed in WP2), on a variety of high value horticultural crops.

Several trials will be implemented along the project life to prove the feasibility of the approach, and its benefits in enhancing soil health and plant resilience to biotic and abiotic stresses, supporting the work of other work packages (WP1 and WP5-WP7).



Enomondo plants give back new energy by processing and recycling scraps from the agri-food chain, as well as cuttings and prunings from green area maintenance. These materials are transformed into electrical and thermal energy and natural fertilizers. Enomondo’s Econat natural fertilizers are made from the spontaneous bio-oxidation of ligno-cellulosic raw materials and agri-food and vegetable scraps, complying with high-quality standards. These natural soil improvers enhance soil structure by adding organic matter, reducing chemical fertilizer use, fixing CO2 in the soil, and returning nutrients to plants.

In the SPIN-FERT project, Enomondo supports developing high-quality peat-free topsoil, which will be the first raw material sent to other partners. Enomondo’s expertise ensures the creation of a totally environmentally friendly product, positioning Enomondo as a key player in this initiative




Caviro Extra is a circular company that recovers and enhances waste from the wine and agri-food supply chains to obtain energy and 100% bio-based noble products. We work every day to preserve the value of natural resources and drive the process of recycling and regenerating products and materials, with a circular economy approach that combines the present with the future.

A model capable of collecting, regenerating, and returning products to the consumer, semi-finished products to industry, energy, biofuels, and organic fertilisers to the community, in a new, low-impact form. Thanks to the activities of Caviro Extra and Enomondo, over 99.9% of incoming waste at the Faenza site is recovered to generate noble products, natural fertilizers, and renewable energy. The production of compost makes it possible to close the circle, creating a virtuous model that goes from vineyard to vineyard.

Spin – Fert project is a good opportunity for Caviro Group to improve our skills, know – how and try to finalise the research and experimentations by selling a new environmentally friendly product “peat free substrate”. It will be a big challenge but an additional way to demonstrate our circular economy model. We will be responsible to give support to Enomondo from a knowledge point of view and communication side with other partners involved into the project. Furthermore, Caviro Extra is entitled to define new standards for producing and marketing peat – free substrates and to overcome the economic and regulatory barriers with the objective to successfully place the new peat alternatives on the market.



INTA is a pioneering deep-tech company specializing in advanced diagnostic technology through nanoelectronics, biotechnology, and AI. Founded in 2020 as a spin-off from Scuola Normale Superiore and CNR-NANO, INTA operates from the NEST laboratory in Pisa, focusing on nanoscience and nanotechnology. They develop and produce ultrasensitive lab-on-a-chip devices for rapid fluid analysis, applicable in biomedicine, security, industry 4.0, and food analysis. These patented devices detect various analytes, such as proteins and bacteria, within minutes, without specialized facilities.

In the SPINFERT project, INTA contributes their expertise in applied physics and technology development by scaling up a device for tracking and monitoring microbial bioinoculants in soil. They use their proprietary surface acoustic wave lab-on-chips to enhance sensor sensitivity and specificity, integrating their innovations with other disciplines for practical agricultural applications.




INTERMAG is a company founded in Poland in 1988. From the beginning, its activity focused on the development and production of modern preparations for agriculture. Currently the company is one of the biggest manufacturers of fertilizers and biostimulants, and actively participates in the sector of animal health products. INTERMAG has expanded its operations in Europe, Asia, Africa, North, and South America.

INTERMAG’s mission is to promote solutions that increase the efficiency of agricultural production while ensuring environmental sustainability and food safety. To achieve this, INTERMAG collaborates with renowned research and scientific centers and has established its own research and experimental facilities, where advanced research and development activities are conducted.




The Interprofessional Technical Centre for Fruits and Vegetables (CTIFL), is the reference in applied research for the fruit and vegetable sector in France, from production to distribution. Our main mission is to help the professionals of the sector meet the challenges of sustainable production and consumer satisfaction in a constantly changing, increasingly competitive and demanding context. To meet our objectives, we conduct experimentation and research that promote innovation. We monitor economic and regulatory developments and disseminate information to the fruit and vegetable sector through training, tools, applications, events and publications.

In SPIN-FERT, trials will be conducted in blueberry crops and diversified market gardening. They will aim to evaluate the agronomic benefits of (i) alternatives to peat-containing substrates (blueberries) and (ii) innovative biostimulants (blueberries and vegetables). The biostimulants will initially be evaluated in a factorial manner, followed by a systemic approach aimed at finding the most favorable conditions for application and success. The tested factors will include: different fertilizations (organic, mineral, cover crops), different soil tillage practices, and different irrigation methods.

CTIFL will also contribute to the economic analysis by participating in the monetization of ecosystem services and conducting a cost-benefit analysis. Barriers and drivers to the adoption of peat alternatives among professionals and home gardeners will also be investigated in France. In addition, CTIFL will be responsible for providing the methodology for conducting an LCA on peat alternatives.




ReCoir Ltd is developing a method for producing a high-quality growing media based on spent coir and plant waste. The sustainable growing media will be an alternative to peat and aims to reduce horticultural waste through closed loop resource recovery.

ReCoir plays a crucial role in the SPIN-FERT project by developing and validating peat-free substrates for nursery and crop cultivation. They focus on reconditioning spent coir, enhancing its quality through pre-processing, sterilization, shredding, and amendment with microbial and organic biostimulants, including green compost, biochar, and artificial humic acids. ReCoir oversees all industrial activities related to these substrates and participates in defining standards for their production and marketing, ensuring compliance with European regulations. Additionally, ReCoir helps identify barriers and drivers for adopting peat alternatives by engaging in focus groups and surveys among professionals and home gardeners, promoting the acceptance and practical implementation of sustainable soil management strategies.




Humify is a German start-up dedicated to reversing soil degradation. Through the Hydrothermal Humification (HTH) process, it transforms biomass into artificial humic substances that enhance soil fertility and provide significant agricultural benefits. Humify’s humus also mitigates climate change by increasing soil’s CO2 binding capacity, recreating carbon sinks.

In the SPIN-FERT project, Humify will produce artificial humic acids (AHA) from various waste streams. These AHAs will be inoculated with microbial strains by project partners and rigorously tested throughout the project’s duration.




Eurecat, the big industrial technology provider of Catalonia offers business services applied R & D, technology services, technology consulting, training highly specialized development of innovative products and services, and promotion and dissemination of technological innovation . A multidisciplinary and multinational team of scientists and technologists working in more than 160 projects of applied R & D, aimed at the acquisition of new knowledge for transfer to specific applications and solutions that meet the needs of the industrial fabric.

Eurecat is involved in SPIN-FERT through several key activities. They focus on innovations in plant biostimulants and the development of biodegradable microcapsules, designing formulations based on materials allowed in organic farming. Additionally, they play a crucial role in the production and formulation of granulates to improve peat-free substrates. This involves collaborating with HUMIFY to produce pilot amounts of Artificial Humic Acids (AHAs) from agro-industrial waste using Hydrothermal Humification (HTH), which are then included in microcapsules and formulated into granulates by Eurecat. These complex granulates, containing a polysaccharide carrier, microbial inoculant, and AHAs, are optimized for size and structure using an automated system. Quality control for these granulates involves advanced techniques like optical and scanning electron microscopy and microbiological tests. Through these contributions, Eurecat ensures high TRL outcomes and supports the adoption and implementation of SPIN-FERT innovations within horticultural value chains.



Art & Science Node (ASN) is a platform for sharing knowledge, ideas, and experience between scientific and artistic milieus, with expertise in developing communication strategies through the powers of art.

ASN uses conventional and creative tools involving artworks to promote interdisciplinarity and democratise scientific knowledge.

As a proud member of the SPIN-FERT Consortium, ASN takes a leading role in promoting innovations for environmental and societal benefits. We spearhead the dissemination, communication, and exploitation of the project, ensuring that innovative solutions are effectively communicated to stakeholders, professionals, policymakers, and the general public.